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Paste assistant Assistant

User Dialog

Version 2.1.3GithubStorybook

User dialog is a menu that contains user profile-related actions.


Guidelines page anchor

About User Dialog

About User Dialog page anchor

A User Dialog is a composition of Avatar, Button, the Non-Modal Dialog primitive, and the Listbox primitive that opens a dialog of profile-related actions. These actions can include visiting a user settings page, switching the language of a product, or logging out.

When the user is focused on the User Dialog Button, enter and space open the menu.

When the user is focused on a list item, the following keyboard interactions apply:

  • Enter and space select the current menu item
  • Up and down arrows move the user between the menu items
  • Disabled menu items and separators are never focused

Use a User Dialog to display actions that a user can trigger related to their profile. Add separators to group menu items.

User Dialog works similarly to Avatar, in that you may use either initials, an image, or a Paste Icon to represent the user. Pass name/src/icon to UserDialogContainer.

In order to use links as options for the UserDialogList items, provide the href prop to the UserDialogListItem.