A Badge can be used to label a piece of UI for quick identification. It can be used in a wide variety of situations, such as labeling Beta product features or an attribute such as “Inbound” or “Outbound”. A Badge can also be used to show a count, such as the number of new messages.
A Badge should contain text content and can optionally contain an Icon. Text length should be kept short, generally 1-3 words.
- Ensure that Badge text can be understood immediately, so the user does not have to rely on color to communicate meaning.
- For Status Badges, it's recommended to include an icon to reinforce meaning.
Use Badge variants such as success
and warning
when the Badge is intended to communicate a specific,
semantic attribute, such as “warning” or “new”. These Badges should generally have an Icon that
should be prefixed before the text.
Use the neutral Badge to highlight neutral attributes of an object. An information icon is optional.
Use the warning Badge to highlight attributes of an object that the user must be made aware of to avoid incurring an error. A warning icon is recommended.
Use the error Badge to highlight attributes of an object that signal to the user that they object is in bad or broken state. An error icon is recommended.
Do not use an error Badge unless there is additional guidance elsewhere on the page that explains to the user how to fix the broken state.
For additional guidance on how to compose error messages, refer to the error state pattern.
Use the success Badge to highlight attributes of an object that were completed or are considered to be in a good state. A success icon is recommended.
Use the new Badge to highlight an object that is new, beta, pilot, or experimental. A new icon is recommended.
The subaccount Badge is reserved for specific use cases only. Consult with the Console team before implementing this variant. A users icon is recommended.
Use the decorative Badge to highlight attributes that do not have a strictly semantic meaning (like warning, error, or success) but would benefit from the visual affordance of differently-colored Badges. Icons are optional, and should appear before the text.
Use the brand Badge for cross-selling opportunities across platforms (e.g., Segment, SendGrid, Communications, Flex) and pricing plans. Use these sparingly.
Use the counter Badge to visually highlight a count in a UI, like the number of pending invitations or the number of errors.
Counter Badges have neutral, error, and notification variants. The error variant should always include an error icon. The notification variant informs users of new or unread items, such as messages, notifications, or updates.
A badge can link to other pages.
To do so, add an href
prop and set as="a"
on the Badge.
A Badge can also be used to trigger an in-page action, such as showing a Popover or Modal.
To do so, provide an onClick
event handler and set as="button"
on the Badge.
Refer to the PopoverBadgeButton section
of the Popover docs to add a Popover to a Badge.
Use a small Badge only when vertical density is a concern. The guidelines for using variants in a small Badge are the same as in their default size.
Use a Badge when you want to add a label to a piece of UI for quick identification and navigation.
Badge labels should be 1-3 words and ideally less than 20 characters. Badge labels can also be numbers.
Use sentence case for Badge labels. Do not wrap Badge text to more than one line.
Use the same grammatical construction for a set of Badges. For example, if a set of Badges highlights statuses, make each Badge an adjective.
Use Badge to highlight an attribute of an object for quick identification.
Don’t use Display Pill or Form Pill to highlight an attribute of an object for quick identification.
Use 1-3 words and sentence case for Badge text.
Don't use lengthy copy inside a Badge.
Set the Badge children to be inline.
not ideal
Don't use multiline Badge text.
Use semantic variants, such as Error, Warning, and Success, in semantic ways.
Don’t use semantic variants for non-semantic use cases. Instead, use the Decorative variants.
Match the icon to the Badge variant (when not using Decorative Badges).
Don’t use the wrong icon in the wrong Badge variant.
When using Icons in Badge, place the Icon before the label.
When using Icons in Badge, don’t place the icon after the label.
Ensure badge text communicates the problem.
Don’t rely just on color to communicate meaning.
yarn add @twilio-paste/badge - or - yarn add @twilio-paste/core
import { Badge } from "@twilio-paste/core/badge";
const BadgeExample = () => (
<Badge as="span" variant="neutral">
Default Badge
Prop | Type | Description | Default |
children | NonNullable<React.ReactNode> | null | |
variant | BadgeVariants | neutral , success , warning , error , new , subaccount , decorative10 , decorative20 , decorative30 , decorative40 , neutral_counter , error_counter | null |
size | BadgeSizes | default , small | default |
as | BadgeBaseElements | The HTML tag to use as base - span , button , a | null |
href? | string | A URL to route to. Must use as="a" for this prop to work. | undefined |
onClick? | MouseEventHandler<HTMLButtonElement> | React event handler. Must use as="button" for this prop to work. | undefined |
element? | string | Overrides the default element name to apply unique styles with the Customization Provider | 'BADGE' |